It Seems like I enjoying traveling…..Have I been to a lot of places?

wordpress # 09

It Seems like I enjoying traveling…..Have I been to a lot of places?


Yep.But not so many.Actually My one of  hobby and interest is Traveling/Exploring  New places of the World.I want to familiar with new people,culture and ideas of these natural world.I’m certainly happiest when on the way and destination.From the childhood,I had got wonderful intention about traveling local or domestic places.I really admired and felt so lucky.For the International Trips till now,I had visited/travel to Malaysia(Truly Asia),Places near border to Thailand and Indonesia,India(North and South),…To be Continued…Thanks GOD n DAD/MOM!

How about films?What do you usually watch?

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How about films?What do you usually watch?


I watch all sorts of films,specially.I am quite the romantic,emotional and sometimes sense of humor at heart.I really prefer to watch Bollywood Movies only.I am too much influenced by these film industry.The entire stuffs associated with it,I Love to watch,impress and appreciate lot till my Last Breath.THUMBS UP!My dream and further plans will be :-Grab some good ideas and information about the films and this industry and by the sake of Luck,If I will get the chance then,I wanna meet the stars.

Do culinary stuffs appeal to me?

Well,I am big foodie,food conscious/enthusiastic guy and not interested in cooking dishes..I love trying out different cuisines but Indian food really inspire me and is my favorite. I also experimenting When I am cooking and others are cooking.But I have never really cooked for others.I would like to make some meat dishes,chow-chow,Omelette,and even Roti and Tarkari, etc. sometimes when I am in good mood for cooking.Whatever the presentation,flavour,taste,etc of my cooking food(GOOD or BAD),I Enjoy to eat myself when I am in great hunger.

Culinary Purpose-My Intention(Suresh Apex Bhandari)