Say What! Enigmatic Inquiries


1.What has Life taught me?

@ Hard Work,Dedication,Perseverance,Excellent Planning,Decision Making.

2.When  was the last time you laughed so hard that you cried?

@ While making fun and jokes with friends and relatives and also watching comedy movies and videos.

3. An icon you can most relate to?

@ Whatever the obstacles has come,it has been solving the problems since my birth through the real spirit two icons i.e.  God and Dad/Mom !!

4. What is your definition of Love?

@ Actually I am so weak,My heart is also soft.At first sight,I will fall in love with any people.I can’t recognize and imagine .But There should be mutual and true understanding between two different hearts of man and woman.

5. One Superpower you wish you had?

@ Immortal or Precognition, the ability to predict the future. With this power, you would be the first to sense danger and save yourself and those you care about.

6.Your Celebrity Crush

@ Priyanka Chopra and SRK

7. Your habits you dislike the most?

@ I believe in any people so fast,Late sleeper as well as late riser

8. If you could change your name,what name would you give yourself?

@ Apex or Maybe Suresh(sanskrit as Sureša) is also okay.

9. What would you like to say to people who didn’t believe in you?

@ Obviously If you don’t like to trust then don’t waste your time and life on others.Be focus and well concentration on your present work and efforts.

10.  A Word you would use to describe a man and woman?

@ Subtle